Sharon Brown
Supporting people through change and overcoming Trauma
My life experiences cross many territories – from being a Level 2 Gymnastics Coach and Judge for around 10 years; 20+ years in the Child Care Industry – spanning from Assistant to my own Management business to being a mother of 6 and Grandmother of 10 (at this stage). My biggest challenge came in being a mother and wanting the best for my children. When my middle daughter’s eczema got quite bad, I took her to see a kinesiologist – wow this open my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities for myself and my children. It was then I studied Kinesiology and the path of spiritual and personal development exploded. I took what courses I could and simply absorbed as much as I could in order to understand human behaviour and the reasons behind such behaviours.
BE the change – when we as adults make change to be a better version of ourselves, we give permission for our children to do the same.
Facebook said when you get to 50 you don’t have to grow up… but while you’re asking… maybe a popstar or an astronaut, we can be anything we want to be.
Diploma of Counselling
Diploma of Primary Teaching
Masters in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) & Hypnotherapy
Certificates in Kinesiology
Level II Reiki
Practitioner of Crystal Light Healing
Level I Bush Flower Essences Practitioner
Studying Certificate 3 in Fitness
Meditation Workshop
Breathwork Workshop
The Help Experience Chill & Breath Workshop
Deepak Chopra Seminar