Matt Keable
Rehab through strength training.
Three years ago when I was told I needed a double fusion on my spine after an accident during a Jiu Jitsu take down, I found a new path after the dark hole I was in post-accident with the potential double fusion on the spine looming. I dodged a flying bullet, got myself up and moving and went on to complete my RehabFX qualification with The Rehab Trainer purely for my own education to help me find answers to relieve pain and help me return to riding my motorcycle a normal’ish life. Without any qualifications in training this course was groundbreaking for me and changed my life completely. I had trained in a gym for 5 years prior to this after I sought a healthy lifestyle to help me quit smoking, after a doctor told me there was an 80% chance my kids would smoke if I continued. I had trained on and off over many years but never really took it too seriously. My nickname in my younger years was Fatty as I really liked meat pie burgers and KFC… not kidding!
After completing my RehabFX Certification I went on to study Cert III & IV in Fitness so I could go on to help change other people’s lives too. Later that year my wife Fi & I created The Real Body Movement concept, values and studio. We could share our passion with others… I’ve gone on to do further education in Rehab and Animal Flow (ground-based training) and am continually learning and exploring new methods of training to keep training fun, interesting and effective. We have fun in our studio, talk a bit of smack and get the job done. Love this shit!
Become the strongest link in the evolution chain… Fit for my kids!
A Cowboy or Commando
Level 1 Animal Flow Instructor
Rehab Essentials – Rehab Trainer 2019
RehabFX – Rehab Trainer 2017
The Help Experience Chill & Breath Workshop
The Help Experience Power of Breath Workshop
Advanced Kettlebells – FTI
Coaching Greatness with Martin Rooney November 2018
Certificate III & IV in Fitness – College of Health & Fitness
Master Functional Trainer Certification